Support for School Success


Teacher appreciation gifts one week a year are nice. Honoring teachers as people and professionals is necessary EVERY day.

Teachers are people, too. They have thoughts, feelings, and experiences that deserve to be respected. Teachers are also life-long learners. They are brilliant not only for what they teach, but also for how they learn and grow!

Teachers deserved to be honored as people and elevated as professionals. Here’s how I think it can happen and how I’m helping.

Consulting in schools: When there’s a challenge in the classroom, being curious is far more effective that accusing teachers. When schools or families ask me to consult, I always start by hearing teachers’ insights, seeing their perspective, and honoring their experience. Curiosity and a strengths-based perspective are the foundation for creating a common understanding of what’s happening, explore what’s possible, and take action to achieve success for both learners and teachers. Learn more about consulting in schools at

Inclusion support: I was a teacher in a classroom for 10+ years, and I always had at least one little learner who needed more than I could give while also trying to lead the class. Success was possible, but support was needed. I am that support! When schools or families ask me to support inclusion for children with diverse abilities, I help not only learners, but also teachers and the whole class experience success. I work one on one to help little learners build meaningful relationships with teachers and peers, understand and follow directions, participate in a variety of activities, and be part of the learning community. It’s a win for the whole class! Learn more about inclusion support at

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Rebecca A. Weiner, M.Ed. Is a dynamic educator who is passionate about helping young children with diverse abilities, their families, and their teachers connect, communicate, and learn with confidence. She specializes in play-based enrichment, parent coaching, developmental and inclusion support, and consulting in schools.